A legal practice grows and shows lawyers don’t always follow the rules

Evgenia Fotopoulou started her own legal practice in 2005. In 2012, the practice employed three lawyers and occupied a 60 m² office. One of their clients, a Web design agency, suggested to Evgenia that she should build a website to help grow her business further. Once the website was launched, Evgenia realised it would be a useless investment without a way to actively drive traffic to the site, so she hired a digital advisor who suggested using AdWords. Traffic to the site soared, and new clients – the SMBs they targeted – came from across Greece. She was pleasantly surprised and admits, “I never thought Google tools would be so helpful for growing my business until I saw them work.” The practice now employs six people, and recently moved to a new 210 m² office space. For a legal practice to grow its business through the web is quite revolutionary in Greece, where law is still seen as a “traditional” profession. Evgenia dared to try something unconventional, and achieved great results for her practice.

I never thought Google tools would be so helpful for growing my business until I saw them work.

Evgenia Fotopoulou, Lawyer and Owner, Evgenia Fotopoulou